這本10 Color Book 10 Button Book 的姐妹版新作品. 禮筑覓得的好物.

看似簡單的圖案及顏色配對, 應該適合年紀稍大的幼兒. 算是進階版.


現階段買給一歲四個月大的太郎妹, 其實又如同畫畫一樣, 每次都是她在一旁指揮我玩, 自然而然變成我的功課.

想要讓太郎妹乖乖玩這本書, 讓我好好在一旁偷空喝咖啡看書的心願, 又落空.

看到這些可愛形狀, 有沒有想要買一本阿. 幫各位媽媽出作業囉!


摘自禮筑簡介 : 繼暢銷歷久不衰的「10 Button Book」,幼幼書操作書的領導品牌Workman出版社,又推出了姊妹作「10 Color Book」!而且這次的扣子造型更多、顏色更豐富了,小朋友可以一邊聽大人講故事,一邊把不同造型的扣子鑲嵌到形狀相同的凹槽中,每一頁都充滿操作的樂趣,又能訓練手眼協調。除此之外,還能認識許多顏色、物品的名稱,從遊戲與故事中學習,真是快樂無比!


內容簡介摘自Google圖書 :

It's a book. It's a toy. It's a book to play with. It's an education. (It's a perfect gift.) Kids love colorful, tactile objects they can hold and play with. And they love matching puzzle shapes together. Combine these elements in an ingeniously designed board book from the author of the bestselling 10 Button Book, and the result is an irresistible way to learn colors and shapes. 10 Color Book features ten brightly colored, government-safety-tested plastic shapes attached to durable ribbons bound into the book's spine. The object? Match each button to a corresponding die-cut space in the pages. Little yellow duckie swim to me: pick up the yellow duck shape and snap it into place. Find a yummy brown bone for a dog named Ace, the bright red kite in the sky, a soft white cloud floating by. Little kids will want to pop the shapes in and out, over and over again. Plus, the book's double-thick board pages are a pleasure to turn, and its vibrant cut-felt art and lively rhyming text are guaranteed to engage young imaginations.




太郎妹最近每天都要摸一下這本書. 今天竟然還站在椅子上玩. 到底是在玩書, 還是玩椅子?



延伸閱讀  : [玩具書] 「10 Button Book」



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