趁著新版Costco護照商品開賣第一天, 與太郎妹相招採購去.
本期特價 :
舒潔三層衛生紙 Costco原價 : 335元, coupon 折36元 ...... 折價後NT299
TIDE 漂白護色洗衣精 W/BLEACH Costco原價 : 625元, coupon 折100元 .......折價後NT526
以上這兩樣商品及幫寶適紙尿褲(本期折價60元/箱), 在大家的手推車裡能見度極高. 可惜上次已買了一箱幫寶適, 沒享受到折扣, 又不想屯積尿布.
話說Costco賣的幫寶適L號, 比啄木鳥買到的更薄更軟耶. 而且是made in Japan. (相信很多人都知道了)
這次採買比較特別的 :
First Steps Workbooks 系列的 < Let's Fold ! > 及 <Let's Sticker & Paste! > ....... Costco價 : NT139/本
Costco還有賣另外兩本 < Let's Color! > 及 < Let's Cut Paper! > 這四本都很可愛呢.
此系列書適合兩歲以上幼兒使用. 現階段買來, 想先從 Let's Fold 玩起. 摺紙放在太郎妹的鐵盒中, 讓愛玩小紙片的她多一項玩具. 我也要開始重溫小時候的"美勞課".
官網對First Step的介紹 :
The First Steps series is designed for young children, aged 2 and up, who have never used a workbook before. The colorful and easy exercises in each First Steps workbook provide toddlers with the opportunity to become comfortable with the tools that are essential in every school – scissors, glue, pencils and crayons. These workbooks also teach the motor skills and problem-solving abilities that are a child’s First Steps towards success.
Each First Steps Workbook is 5 7/8 x 8 1/4 inches, paperback, 40 pages, full color, and retails at US$5.95 and C$6.95.
Let's Fold! : Sample 底家
Let's Sticker & Paste! : Sample底家